The Fresh Test™ is a diagnostic glucose beverage intended for gestational diabetes screening. Glucose tolerance tests are typically performed at 24-28 weeks gestation.

The Wonder of Newborn Stem Cells: A Potential Resource for Your Family's Future Health

20 June, 2024

Shared by Cooper Surgical,, June 2024.

Content Resources from Cooper Surgical, U.S. National Library of Medicine,, Cord Blood Transplantations, and Gene Therapy Journal.

The miracle of childbirth brings forth not just a precious life, but also a wealth of potential for future health. Newborn stem cells, found in umbilical cord blood, are like tiny blank slates, holding the remarkable ability to develop into different cell types. This makes them a powerful tool in the fight against a range of diseases.

Unlocking the Potential: Benefits of Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood banking allows you to preserve these precious newborn stem cells for future use. Here are a few reasons why parents may choose to bank their baby's cord blood and cord tissue:

  • Treating Blood Disorders: Cord blood stem cells have been used in transplants for over 80 conditions, including leukemia, sickle cell disease, and some immune system disorders. Plus, hundreds of clinical trials have been initiated using stem cells from cord blood and cord tissue (1) as a potential treatment for conditions like cerebral palsy (2) , heart defects, and Alzheimer's disease. (3)
  • Sibling Match Advantage: Preservation may potentially benefit other family members. Full siblings have a 75% chance of being at least a partial match, and biological parents, will always be a partial match.
  • Younger, Healthier Cells: Newborn stem cells are young and less exposed to aging and environmental toxins (4) , making them a potentially more effective treatment option for aspects of stem cell therapy, enhanced renewal ability, and a greater ability to differentiate into various specialized cell types.

Cord Blood Registry: The Trusted Choice for Expecting Parents

With so much riding on this decision, it's natural to want the best. Cord Blood Registry stands out as the #1 choice of expecting parents in the U.S. and the most OB/GYN-recommended newborn stem cell company. We believe it is because:

  • Unmatched Expertise: Cord Blood Registry boasts over 30 years of experience and a proven track record in cord blood banking, storing more than 1 million newborn stem cell samples, the most in the industry.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Their cord blood processing and storage facilities. adhere to strict quality and safety standards.
  • Unwavering Commitment: They offer personalized consultations, extensive educational resources, and exceptional customer support throughout the entire process.

MythBusters and Fun Facts: More to Know When it Comes to Choosing CBR ®

You only get one chance to collect newborn stem cells, and that is at birth. It is a simple process that takes only a few minutes for your OB/GYN or midwife to do after your baby is born and the umbilical cord is cut.

  • Delayed Cord Clamping: Speaking of, planning on delaying cord clamping? No problem! Cord blood can often still be collected following delayed cord clamping, and there is no impact to cord tissue. Just get advice from your OB/GYN or midwife beforehand.
  • Makes a great registry gift. Newborn stem cell preservation may be the most important baby shower gift your family will ever receive. Invite your friends and family to contribute toward something with life-changing possibilities at the CBR gift registry. You can create or access your own account or find a loved one’s gift registry here.

Investing in Your Child's and Family’s Future Health

Banking your baby's cord blood is a potential investment in your family’s future well-being. It offers increased peace of mind, knowing there's a potential source of cells for treatment readily available if needed. Cord Blood Registry provides the expertise and experience to ensure this precious gift is preserved safely and securely.

Empower yourself with knowledge. Visit today to learn more about how you can gift CBR to your family, use promo code FT50 for 50% off their annual bundle, which includes shipping, processing, and your 1 st year of storage.*

* Family will be responsible for storage fees after the first year. Fees are subject to change.

The use of cord blood is determined by the treating physician and is influenced by many factors, including the patient' medical condition, the characteristics of the sample, and whether the cord blood should come from the patient or an appropriately matched donor. Cord blood has established uses in transplant medicine; however, its use in regenerative medicine is still being researched. There is no guarantee that potential medical applications being studied in the laboratory or clinical trials will become available.

Cord tissue use is still in early research stages, and there is no guarantee that treatments using cord tissue will be available in the future. Cord tissue is stored whole. Additional processing prior to use will be required to extract and prepare any of the multiple cell types from cryopreserved cord tissue. Cbr Systems, Inc.’s activities for New York State residents are limited to collection of umbilical cord tissue and long-term storage of umbilical cord–derived stem cells. Cbr Systems, Inc.’s possession of a New York State license for such collection and long-term storage does not indicate approval or endorsement of possible future uses or future suitability of these cells.

(1) U.S National Library of Medicine. Accessed October 21, 2022.

(2) Sun J.M., Kurtzberg J. (2017) Cord Blood Therapies for Genetic and Acquired Brain Injuries. In: Horwitz M., Chao N. (eds) Cord Blood Transplantations. Advances and Controversies in Hematopoietic Transplantation and Cell Therapy. Springer, Cham.

(3) Sagoo, P., Gaspar, H.B. The transformative potential of HSC gene therapy as a genetic medicine. Gene Ther (2021).

(4) Behzad-Behbahani A, Pouransari R, Tabei SZ, et al. Risk of viral transmission via bone marrow progenitor cells versus umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2005;37(7):3211-3212.

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